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Tesseract Timefold NFT #5 05-16

Explore Tesseract Timefold NFT #5 05-16

In the frame below, explore by zooming in and out and swiping around,

creating your own interactive experience. 


Tesseract Timefolds
  NFT Collection

This NFT collection is created by Aaron Harrington using his physical interactive art exhibit,

 The Tesseract Lightbox 

which is a time machine on exhibit at the Museum of Interactive Art in Santa Fe NM.


Please interact with this example of a Tesseract NFT

by clicking the full screen icon on the right (touch Gigapan logo 1st on mobile) 

then explore by zooming in and out and swiping around, creating your own unique experience. 

Welcome to this NFT collection from my

Museum of Interactive Art. 

I’m Aaron Harrington and

I create Interactive Art.


This Collection was created using my interactive art exhibit The Tesseract Lightbox which is a time machine with 28 images of moments in time, aka "time slices" that overlay each other to create unique compositions, aka "time folds." In my museum, visitors can take the art off the wall and layer the images inside a large lightbox. 


This is a collection of double time folds, which are 2 images overlaying each other. There are 784 possible unique combinations, as seen around your unique tesseract time fold at the center of the piece. 


This collection is made of the finite variety of double time folds made into these unique collectables. The Tesseract images look like a coin collection, each displaying the full collection with the 1-of-a-kind coin, you own, featured in the middle. 


The text bordering the collection is the art's conceptual background, a metaphysical journey through the creation of all my artwork and museum.



My artwork naturally creates a steady flow of NFT content, through interactive generative art installations. 


My art is Interactive in that visitors are invited to play with these visually-dramatic exhibits, creating an endless variety of compositions. 

You can interact with this nft art piece by creating your own unique composition and then minting it into your own Tesseract Timefold NFT. 

Get Started Here


My art is Generative because each of these pieces can generate endless variations, each of which can be minted into an NFT like this one. 


 All the art in my museum is created by me and I’m now expanding my art and museum into the nft space with deeply complex, maximalist images, like this, that can be interactively explored like a map of another dimension. 


As you can tell I’m a maximalist artist with endless creativity pouring out of me, which is perfect for the NFT space. 

My wellspring of creativity is like yellowstone’s old faithful, it’s a geyser.

But I’m an unknown artist with this 1 room museum,  so I’m like the guy who discovered yellowstone, I just need everyone to know there is an awesome geyser of creativity going off constantly in the middle of nowhere.


I’m a great opportunity for NFT collectors, like you, to take an artist with a large body of work from total obscurity to Christies, which will make your investment in this piece worth a lot more. 


Thank you for investing in this nft and bringing much needed prosperity to my interactive art, which will be used directly to make more interactive maximalist mind-blowing art like this.  

I look forward to interacting with you and joining your collection,

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Interact with the 
Tesseract Timefolds

Create your own Tesseract Time Folds and mint them into NFTs


  • Scroll down and move a circular time slice image to the center blank area.

  • Then move another time slice image over the first to create a time fold.

  • Notice the number on the top right of the image. This is used to procure your unique NFT. 

  • Touch/click a time slice below, next to the number is a white rotate icon.

  • Use this to spin the time slices. 

  • When you find a combination you like, take a screen shot of your combination and write down the numbers of the time slices, top image 1st, bottom image 2nd. 

  • Order your unique Tesseract NFT at this link.


  • Enter the number and email me the screenshot to

11orange rind

Aquire Your 
1-of-a-kind NFT 
Tesseract Timefold

There are 2 options for purchasing 1 of the 784 NFT Tesseract Double Time Folds

Tesseract Timefolds
  NFT Collection

Here is the Collection of Timefolds that have already been minted. 

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